Sunday, September 18, 2011

You're a.. Heartbreaker

WHAT A WEEKEND! I am so excited (but overwhelmed all at the same time), because I have so many great people in my life ready at the drop of a hat to bounce ideas around! There are a million things I want to incorporate into my classroom, a trillion ideas that aren't completely developed yet, and a zillion.... (Ok, so I don't have a zillion anything, but you could tell where I'm headed.)

I am mid-working on a 3rd Grade program that will be in October - speaking parts are being distributed this week, introducing 5th Graders to their program - which is the Veteran's Day Assembly, and in the process, auditioning students for our few extra honor choir opportunities they'll have throughout the year. Whew! (And that's only the upper-elementary grades!!)

Although, I have to say, I sent home an interest letter to the 4th and 5th graders this past week, and I have 45 (FOURTY-FIVE !) students that are interested! My only problem is that I can only pick 12 (plus 2 alternates) to go to one festival, and about 8 to go to Real Men Sing (boys only)... I'm slightly stressed. I LOVE that I've got their interest, but it's always the worst to break hearts in the process. I wish I could take them all. I always worry that I'm crushing someone's dreams, so I have to remind myself - "There's not one thing I say that can break - or make - a child." -Madame Esme. (It helps.)

Back to the weekend, I spent today hanging out with fellow sisters at our Kappa Delta Alumnae Tea. I love me some Stillwater and sorority life, but I felt so old there! My big/little family is still going strong, but I met my GGGG-Little (too many G's...I know, right?), who informed me that there are three of them and now five GGGGG-Littles! (I have to give a shout-out to Team Hendrix (our newly adopted family name), because we rock!)

Hope everyone else had a fabulous weekend! Once I get through these next few days, I hope to be back to posting classroom-ready pics and new ideas! :)

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