Monday, January 10, 2011

A Not-So-Super Colleague's Disaster

Since I was gone to an honor choir last Friday, I myself had a few ups and downs. The ups included the rest of my super colleagues and I getting everything organized and done for the festival, and the amazing job that the kids did for the concert. They sang their sweet little hearts out and I couldn't love them any more!

Now as for the downs...Pretty sure our newspaper sent a photographer to the event. Sounds great! Publicity for the music program! Awesome! Do you have any idea what they seriously posted on the front page??! I'm sure it was an "artistic picture" and would be great somewhere else, but it is a picture of another music teacher in our district who is sleeping on the back pew at the church?!!! I'll repeat myself-- another music teacher is SLEEPING while all the kids are rehearsing on the stage!! (In his defense, there are quite a few germs floating around, and he was not the only one that wasn't feeling well that day.) Still, that's not the kind of publicity I had in mind....

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