Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bathroom Breaks...

I have no idea what the deal is with teachers and our obsession with pee. I read once that it was our inability to ever have time to go to the restroom that completely takes over. However, this post is not about our 5 seconds in the day to find ourselves taking a bathroom break. It's about our little friends and their ability to make something so simple -such as going to the restroom- into our mess for the day.

Pee Senerio #1: Meet Wet Pants.
Even though this friend only has my class for thirty minutes at a time, she has seriously wet herself at least three time this year! I can totally feel for the girl and I understand the first time. Wet Pants was so into our song, singing and dancing her sweet little heart out, then I say, "Fine." All students look to sit down and BOOM! It's all I can do not to scream at her, but she has completely wet herself, her clothes (pants and shirt - ask me how this happened, and I have no answer), and the top two steps on my risers. She has the biggest heart, but maybe it means she's loving music - who knows! All I know is that Wet Pants has officially been "caught up" in the music twice now that she has had a couple of accidents.

Pee Senerio #2: Introducing Whip It Out.
I honestly have no other name for this boy. I can think of nothing else for him. He has seriously taken a bathroom break when- and wherever he feels the urge. Applause for not having an accidents, but let's think about this. How many times can you go to the bathroom without actually getting to the bathroom!?? The first time I caught him was towards the beginning of the year out on the playground. Sadly, this wasn't even the first time he had been caught...peeing...on the playground.

Pee Senerio #3: Little S%*#s.
Talking to a fellow teacher over the weekend, I have learned that I have gotten the better end of the stick when it comes to bathroom accidents. As you can probably tell from the nickname, this is not another pee senerio. Three little friends of her's were caught... All three had gone around to the side of the building, dropped their pants, and pooped!!! Are you kidding me right now?! I was laughing hysterically when she told me this! (I'm sure, at the time she wanted to as well, but she kept her composure...100 points to her!)

Because we are sometimes left to deal with our accidents, I guess that leads to our obsession. Why aren't they teaching this in our methods classes? Haha!

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