Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Teaching Journal

I'm thinking that my snow days are numbered, but I have probably spent the last couple of hours online checking out some fabulous teachers' websites!! I mean, these teachers are phenomenal!

They do some really creative and ah-mazing things! So much, that I've got a notebook full of notes that has pages and pages filled with awesome activities! (I'll modify them for music, of course.)

Which brings me to my problem... Where are all of the fabulous music teachers? I'm having the hardest time finding the incredible, wonderful, fantastic music teachers out there. Are there any in the blogging world? There have to be tons, but I would love some help finding them! If you are one or you know of one, please send the comments my way!

After reading Educating Esme for the billionth time, I decided to start my own Teaching Journal. This thing is filled with awesome ideas, pictures I've glued in (yes, the real ones and printed ones), things I love to do in my classroom, things I want to do in my classroom, bulletin board ideas, classroom theme ideas (tons of those out there), personal scriptures and quotes that motivate and support music and me, plus about anything else I can get my brain excited about! Highly recommend you start your own Teaching Journal if you haven't already!

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